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Performance driven SEO

Pay Per Click

Pay per click (PPC) marketing

Social Media

Attract new customers with social media


Web Design

Industry leading web design


Next-level animation

Photo & Video

Grab attention with better imagery


Web Development

User-centric web development


Supercharge your sales with e-commerce

Custom Solutions

One of a kind custom development solutions


Digital Strategy

Digital strategy for rapid business growth

Marketing Solutions

Smarter marketing solutions


Full service branding

Next-level animation

Looking for a way to present your business, products or services that’s fresh, fun and captivating? Animation could be the solution that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Redline Digital is a full service agency in Melbourne that specialises in crafting custom animation solutions for businesses. From explainer videos and brand introductions to micro animations – we will present your brand in vibrant colour and sound.

Bring your brand to life with animation

Animation isn’t all fun and games – it’s a serious marketing tool that can boost lead conversion, help your website rank on Google and explain your products and services.

In fact, a video on your landing page can boost conversions by up to 80%, according to Unbounce. Plus, in a world where thousands of ads compete for your customer’s attention every day, animation can help you grab their attention and keep it.

Animation that stands out

Redline Digital doesn’t create animation for animation’s sake. We craft custom animations to help you reach your business goals, whether that’s increasing enquiry or explaining your products.

Our animation service combines the knowledge and expertise of our digital strategists with the talent and vision of our creatives. First, our digital strategists work to understand your message, what you want to achieve from your animation, and the best platform to achieve. That may include increasing engagement and click through via social media, telling your brand’s story, or even highlighting a CTA button on your website.

Next we set our creatives to work. With our strategist’s brief and your vision in mind, we will craft unique animations that stand out and stick in your customer’s minds.

New & innovative ways to engage potential customers

Animations have an uncanny ability to be utilised across a range of different digital advertising platforms. From social media & animated videos to UI elements & logos, animation can be used in many different ways effectivly to drive higher engagement for your content.

Redline Digital animation agency Melbourne

Your marketing needs to stand out, not blend in. As part of a comprehensive digital strategy, animation can grab your customer’s attention and entertain them while selling (or explaining) your brand or products and services.

We’re not like other animation agencies, because we combine digital strategy with our artwork. Want high-impact animation as a part of your marketing strategy? Get in touch today to start animation project today.

Let's work together

Ready to accelerate your online business growth? Get in touch and let’s make it happen together.