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The Power of Call Tracking Explained

For many businesses, phone calls can help to provide a wealth of information that can be vital in influencing current and future marketing direction. However, this information is only valuable if it can be harnessed and adapted to actionable insights. One underutilised analytic is call tracking. Call tracking looks to provide a host of metrics around both inbound and outbound calls from a business and can be a truly powerful tool for any business.


Influence Current Marketing Strategies

For social, PPC and even email marketing and offline campaigns, call tracking can offer interesting details into how the campaign is performing, as well as how they can be further optimised to increase ROI.


Which digital mediums are performing well?

While there are tools in the market to track marketing activities, such as Google Analytics, call tracking can provide that extra dimension. For example, with a Google Ads campaign the tracking metrics revolve around dimensions such as clicks and conversions which, by themselves, can prove quite difficult in determining individual customers’ behaviours. This is where call tracking comes into play, as phone numbers can be dynamically inserted for each of the marketing strategies. This then allows for opportunities to speak directly to potential customers coming through these different campaigns and recognition of where each customer is coming from. Ultimately, giving greater insights into your customers and where marketing time and effort should be reallocated.


Measurement of offline marketing

Many offline marketing efforts can be especially tough to track as, unlike digital marketing, there is no accurate full proof way to measure interactions with potential customers. This is especially due to the fact that the majority of the offline strategies are usually brand awareness focused and cover radio ads, flyers or even mail drops. In many of these cases, call tracking can provide the perfect option for measuring engagement with these offline mediums. Similar to the digital mediums, calls from different numbers linked to these marketing channels can show which offline channel is being the most effective in the market and whether new offline strategies are worth the investment.


Boosting Sales

Call tracking not only includes measurements around the number of inbound calls, average length of calls and call times, but also the call recordings itself and even information around whether a customer has had a previous interaction with the business or not. This data can be beneficial in training new sales staff and used to find any pain points when talking with potential customers. Helping to maximise sales for the business and reduce the chance of abandonment in the final stages of getting a potential customer to convert.


Future Marketing Planning

Call tracking can also be highly valuable when planning future marketing strategies, as the data from previous campaigns can help to influence how new marketing plans will be implemented.


Tracking keywords

Keywords are crucial to any piece of content created by a business whether it be a blog post or ad copy. It is important to make sure that the words and phrases being utilised by your potential customers are present and therefore more likely to appear in their online searches. One way that call tracking can aid with this is through session based call tracking. This method of tracking involves a dynamic phone number being presented to each visitor to a website. This is then connected to clicks made through the various traffic sources and this in turn provides more granular insights into the keywords that are particularly important to your customers.


Time of day optimisation

One of the many metrics provided by call tracking, time of day can be particularly influential when utilised in conjunction with other tracking methods. Time of day numbers allow for businesses to determine the time when customers are most likely to interact/call the business. This means that budget spend can then be adjusted accordingly to match with these periods where high volumes of customer engagement occurs.

When it comes to effective marketing, the most powerful tool that any business has is it’s data. The more information that businesses can determine about their potential customers and the industry environment, the much more effective they will be. Call tracking provides exceptional value in this space and can be highly beneficial for any company looking to stay ahead of the competition. Don’t be left behind, reach out to Redline Digital today and find out about an exclusive offer of 3 months free call tracking.

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