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How content can take your SEO to the next level

We all know that it’s important to have quality, optimised content. But when it comes to Google, how do you make sure that you’re making the most of your digital marketing to get a decent ranking? In this article we explore just that –how great content marketing can take your SEO to the next level.

1)     Considered keywords

Gone are the days of keyword plugging – where organisations litter their copy with repetitive keywords. Not only does Google pick up on this, it’s plain boring to read. Think about the phrases that your audience might type into a search when looking for a service like yours. If you need more guidance, tools like SEM Rush and Google Adwords can help you. Try to target your keywords as much as possible by adding in a geographical location and a specific identifier. For example, “Melbourne cheap eats” or even better, “great Japanese in Fitzroy”.

2)     Answered questions

People go onto your website to find information and – you guessed it – find answers to their questions. Content that does this naturally and effectively keeps people on your site for longer (reducing bounce rate) and attracts viewers outside of your customer base searching the net for answers. This gives you plenty of credibility points and also increases click-through. When writing your content, think about what your customers want to know. Do you get asked specific questions? Is there anything they need to know about your business? Essentially, sites that can pre-empt and answer the questions their audience is asking, rank better.

3)     Diversified content

Not every user looks for answers in the same way. Some prefer to watch a video, some want to read an essay, others want an infographic. The point is, if you’re only posting blogs, for example, to showcase your content, you could be missing out on a significant chunk of users. Where possible, get creative. Just keep in mind that it’s more important to stay relevant. That means, all content must still be of a high quality that engages your audience. Other ideas include using social media to highlight information or even linking to other articles (that aren’t written by direct competitors) and expressing your opinions.

Google’s algorithms are becoming more sophisticated every week and as a result, content needs to be created to match. If you need an expert with the right knowledge, skills and tools to help you diversify your website, give Redline a call. We’ll chat about how you can keep people engaged with effective digital marketing and optimised content.

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