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YouTube: Why it can boost your digital marketing campaigns

If you’ve been keeping pace, you’ve made great progress improving your SEO performance recently. But don’t forget that Google’s not the only player at the table. YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine. People are watching 1 billion hours of YouTube per day. That’s a lot of cat memes…

Smart brands have been building a YouTube strategy into their broader digital marketing plans for the past few years. There are a few reasons why it might appeal as an addition to more mainstream channels: it’s highly targeted, encourages engagement and is accessible to different sized companies.

What most tickles a digital marketer’s fancy, though, is YouTube’s ability to grow brand awareness and build online communities.

Perhaps it’s time to dip your toe in the video marketing waters and find out how YouTube could help you too.

Craft a branded channel

Take advantage of the customisable options on YouTube by setting up a branded channel for your business. You can edit the imagery, introductory copy and of course create the video content you want to promote.

The user-friendly layout and design of YouTube allows you to set up channels according to your carefully curated preferences. That could mean a custom banner image, promotional channels or even in-video advertising.

Design creative campaigns

Brands have harnessed YouTube’s possibilities to develop creative angles and interesting campaigns that wouldn’t have fitted into a 30 second TV ad. BMW did this with a “location scouting” video series for their xDrive series. Clearly budget is no object for this ‘behind the scenes’ video and the production value is outstanding. But not all successful YouTube video campaigns are this highly produced. What’s crucial is that your target market is amused, engaged and inspired by the story you tell.

So how could you do this? Film a vox pop with people trying out your product. Create a funny demo video when your product launches. Have your team bring their pets to work for a day and let them run amok on camera. Edit some footage of an industry event you attend. Get creative and the clicks will follow.

Measure it

Please don’t hit the publish button on YouTube only to neglect it for the next month. As with other platforms, you need to measure it closely and develop your YouTube presence.

Take the time to regularly monitor the metrics that have significance. Keep at it and remember your end goal: better brand awareness to keep you top of mind for your existing and potential customers.


Need a hand navigating this platform? We’d love to hear from you and help you with your digital marketing action plan. Contact the team at Redline Digital today.

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